Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Time Travel

Right now I am on the 15 hour flight from Sydney to Los Angeles. I'm going back in time today! My flight left Sydney at 11:30am on March 2nd, and I arrive in L.A. at 6:00am on March 2nd! So exciting, I'm pumped cross back over the International Date Line and be a time traveler! 

I also love flying at night because there is a sky full of stars, since we're flying above the clouds and away from city lights. The Southern Cross is right outside my window! I'm so glad that I can see it on the way home :)

I am very very sad to be leaving Australia and New Zealand.  There are so many more places in both countries to explore... hikes to go on, waterfalls to visit, mountains to climb, people to meet. I feel like I have quite a bit of unfinished business with the wilderness in this part of the world, and I'm looking forward to the possibility of coming back. I would like to hike the 5 to 8 day Overland Track in Tasmania, go on an overnight horse trek through Victoria, drive on the Great Ocean Road, visit Australia's west coast, and explore Arthur's Pass and Abel Tasman in New Zealand. 

I spent my last day in Australia on the steps of the Opera House in Circular Quay, watching the tourists unload from the Aurora cruise ship at port and marveling at the beautiful Harbor Bridge. I then spent some time in the botanical gardens overlooking the Opera House to take in some final moments of Sydney and reflect on my last five weeks in Australia and New Zealand. 

One disappointment I have was that I did not get the chance to meet very many local Australians or New Zealanders like I had hoped and expected to. Since Kearse and I were moving through these two countries so quickly, we were always on the move, doing lots of activities, staying at backpacker hostels practically one night at a time, and joining some tours along the way. With this kind of schedule, almost all of the people we met were fellow backpackers (lots of Germans and English). Our guides were really the only local Aussies and Kiwis, and most of them were from other cities. So, even though I met some awesome travelers from other countries, I am bummed that I didn't get to meet many locals. This was something I didn't expect. I really want to come back to live and work in Sydney for a year to be able to connect with local Australians and dive deeper into their lifestyle and culture.

This trip seems to have gone so fast! I'm glad that I kept a thorough record through the blog and through pictures, and I cannot wait to share pictures with all of you when I get to the States! AUS and NZ are such magnificent places! This trip has strengthened my excitement and thrill for traveling, and it has rekindled my love of the out of doors and hiking and the wilderness. I had forgotten what it was like to be dirty and be a part of nature, and now I no longer desire to get dressed up, do my hair, and wear makeup. Gosh I think the last time I wore makeup was my first night in Sydney five weeks ago when Kearse and I went to a show at the Opera House. 

I am leaving Syndey with such a free feeling! I cannot wait for new adventures to come in Chile in a couple weeks!

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